CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 21
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 21 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-04].iso
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URL : file://localhost/Work:Various/AB/pgm/Istar/Files/Docs/index.html
Title: Istar
(Istar is the new name for what used to be called KBTools. KBTools was
considered a rather boring name, so we have substituted one that is rather
corny, and perhaps cheeky, if you are a Tolkien addict.)
A package for building knowledge based systems and then running them. It is
of the inference net kind, with both backward and forward chaining. It is
similar to the rule based kind but more flexible.
KBSs make inferences from input information. Usually running them involves
asking the user a sequence of questions until enough information is gathered
to come up with an answer. Microsoft Wizards are a simple version of this.
There are two levels at which to learn to use Istar: 'driving' the features
of the software and using it to do something be useful to you. These are
explained in the files:
o Driving Istar (including installation)
o Using Istar - Inference
o Using Istar - Semantic Nets
Read them when you are ready to start. In addition the following files give
more detailed information:
o KBs
o Panels
o Inference
o Value Types
o History
o Limitations and Bugs
o Reference Manual
There is still much documentation to be written, and not all the facilities
of Istar are explained in the above files. But Istar should be reasonably
robust, so you can experiment.
# Graphical input. Most KBS software require you to write your rules or
inferences using text such as:
IF ?requested_class = PENICILLINS
AND Patients_age >= 0.8*Allowable_age
THEN Patient's age is acceptable for the new drug.
which is sensitive to syntax errors. But with Istar you draw your inference
graphically, as boxes and arrows. Then, at your convenience, fill in the
detail. A true 'visual programming language'. (Some KBS software such as
NExpert can display a box and arrows diagram that has been entered textually,
but with Istar the main extry medium is drawing.)
# Smooth user interface. Most software that allows you to draw box and arrows
diagrams is clumsy. For instance, to link two boxes:
o Click on Box1.
o Mouse up to Toolbar or Menu
o Select 'Link boxes'
o Click on Box2.
o (Draws straight line between them that crosses others)
o Mouse up to Toolbar or Menu
o Select 'Bend link'
o Click on position of bend
o etc.
In Istar you start drawing from edge of Box1, hitting space wherever you want
bends and releasing over Box2. No menues or toolbars in sight. The difference
is even more marked when you want to redirect a link from one box to another.
# For knowledge generation. This means the user interface actions do not
interrupt your flow of thinking as you express your knowledge. Just as "an
architect thinks with his pencil" so you can "think with the mouse".
# Easy exploration of KB. Hit 'a' or 'c' over a box, and all others connected
to it even indirectly are shown - so you can find out what input information
is will have an effect on a given item. Also Find by Name etc.
# Range of types. Normally you are offered integer, float, string and perhaps
dates. With Istar you get other types too: probabilities, bayesians,
proportions, ratios, odds, directions, and several others. In Istar we attach
the semantics to each type (e.g. in ratios and odds, the greatest common
divisors are automatically cancelled out). Others to be added soon, such as
IFF bitmap, anim, sound sample.
# Range of useful inference methods. Not just add, subtract, multiply,
divide, AND, OR, but also things like Chhoser, First-Known, First-OK, Number
of Answered, Concatentation, Is-In, etc.
# Kernel written in assembler, for speed and robustness.
The current version of Istar is only a 'draft'. It is being presented to let
you get the feel of it. But in future you will have scripts, demons, ARexx,
internet access, PostScript output, dumping of the KB to PROLOG, etc.
Copyright (c) Andrew Basden 1997.